Java joptionpane input

Java joptionpane input

Author: GrDD Date: 25.05.2017

By Marilena May 29, Updated: November 29, Viewed: This is a review of the showInputDialog method of JOptionPane Class. With this method we can prompt the user for input while customizing our dialog window.

Using JOptionPane to Obtain User Input : JOptionPane Dialog « Swing « Java Tutorial

The showConfirmDialog returns either String or Object and can be called using the following combinations of parameters:. Example of a question-message dialog with an initial value that gets user input as String:.

If we set the Component to null, the result will be the same with number 1. For this example we will create a JFrame to put our dialog in. The frame closes unless the user types something in the field:. If we set the Component to null, the result will be the same with number 2.

For this example we will change slightly the code from number An example of an information-message using the default icon through JOptionPane.

java joptionpane input

The different options appear in a form of a drop down menu with a selected initial value:. On all previous examples a String was used in the place of Object ; for this example we will use a JPanel in the place of the Object. The JPanel is customized and has a JLabel added to it. We are also manipulating the size of the OptionPane using a call to UIManager.

How to Make Dialogs (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Using Swing Components)

It is built on WordPress , hosted by Liquid Web , and the caches are served by CloudFlare CDN. Java Swing — JOptionPane showInputDialog example By Marilena May 29, Updated: The showConfirmDialog returns either String or Object and can be called using the following combinations of parameters: Object returns String — Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user.

[Tutorial] JOptionPane: easy input, output with dialog boxes

Object, Object returns String — Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user with the input value initialized. Component, Object returns String — Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user. Returns the input as String.

The Component determines the Frame in which the dialog is displayed; if null, or if the parentComponent has no Frame, a default Frame is used.

java - JOptionPane Input Dialog - Stack Overflow

Component, Object, Object returns String — Same as above. The only difference is that the input field has an initial value set through the last Object parameter.

Component, Object, String, int returns String — Shows a dialog requesting input from the user. The dialog has a title set through the String parameter and a MessageType set through the int parameter.

The different MessageTypes for JOptionPane , are: The Icon if not null is displayed inside the dialog and overrides the default MessageType icon. Object — The simplest way to get user input Example of a question-message dialog that gets user input as String: Notify of new replies to this comment. Favorites Links Android Getting Started Google App Engine — Java Spring 2.

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