Make money homesteading

Make money homesteading

Author: vipprom Date: 31.05.2017

Homesteading Self Sufficient Living Living off the Land. By Jill Winger 45 Comments. Although I suppose you could go that route if you wanted…. For me, modern homesteading is a magical concoction of old-fashioned skills mixed with our modern-day conveniences. That said, I think most of us homestead-folks would agree: Thankfully, the ways of making money while homesteading are endless.

One strategy to help avoid red tape is to sell the animals themselves, rather than the food product. Start a cowshare or goatshare program — This is one way to work around raw milk laws— just do your homework first. Make homemade baked goods and sell them at your local farmers market. Homemade french bread , buns , or cinnamon rolls are always a hit! Keep bees and sell local honey and beeswax.

As interest in modern homesteading increase, more and more people are on the lookout for dairy animals, heritage-breed chickens, and other options for increasing their self-sufficiency. If you plan to breed animals, please become knowledgeable in the bloodlines, breeding practices, and desired characteristic of that breed. Do not breed just anything that comes along—know your stuff and strive to create the best progeny possible.

Raise worms — either for fishing purposes, or raise red wigglers to sell to other people interested in compost worms. Breed, raise, and train family milk cows or dairy goats to sell to other homesteaders. Raise bottle calves , sheep, or goats. Make and sell homemade candles.

Season 1: Episode How to Make Money Homesteading | Homesteading [PODCAST] - Self-Sufficient Life

Put your knitting or sewing skills to work and create homemade hats, gloves, scarves, blankets, and more. People are enchanted with the idea of farming and homesteading right now. Share your unique lifestyle with them! Create a U-Pick Farm and allow others to harvest their own fruit, veggies, or berries for a fee. If you live in an especially picturesque location, rent out your pasture, barn, or land for weddings, parties, photo shoots, or other events.

Start a Community-Supported-Agriculture program CSA. Start a blog or website — This is near and dear to my heart, as it is the income stream which has allowed us to create a full-time income while I stay at home to raise the kids. Write and publish a book — Self-publishing makes becoming an author easier than ever. I personally have published through Amazon Createspace , and you can also publish via Kindle, too. The main thing all of these ideas have in common? They all take time and effort.

The reward for the blood, sweat, and tears? Massive satisfaction, and a well-deserved income. January 20, at 7: Probably more of a community garden.

I have been dreaming of it ever since I moved to the country. Then develop an exchange of time for produce and food stuff. They would help in the garden or around the homestead on a regular basis and they would also reap in the harvest.

make money homesteading

This way my husband and I could produce more because we have help, but we can share the benefits with others. January 20, at 1: Maybe do a time schedule for weeding weekly and harvesting. About families help out instead of us each doing our own small garden.

January 20, at 4: I think you would be better off selling your vegetables to the people who need them, or bartering with them.

It would be fantastic if it worked, and I hope for your sake it does. Proceed cautiously, and be very clear on guidelines for participation, or you will get hangers-on who have no intention to contribute. January 21, at 5: This lady was talking about my experience as well. All reaping NO sowing. January 22, at 6: Lori from LL Farm says.

make money homesteading

I want to chime in as someone who was a Farm Dreamer- a homesteader who desperately wanted to become a self-employed farmer. So, I wanted to share that anyone who wants to quit their dayjob and start farming- you CAN! But, to become self employed on the farm is VERY different than homesteading. This was a HUGE mistake we made for our first 3 years, thinking that we could sell a little of this and that and make it. We did SO many of the things on your list all at once, and almost lost our minds and backs.

My caution is this to aspiring farmers and again, I mean those who DO want to go fulltime on the farm - dabble as you need to at first, but then follow your passion, and grow that passion — scale it up and specialize, so you can give it your all, and succeed! January 22, at 3: I choose not to have adverts on my blog. A personal choice, and it means that I make nothing from it unless people use my own links and then buy my book or goods I sell.

I have read an enormous number of farming, homesteading and gardening books over the last 60 years. One thing is common with the most successful — they all had a journalistic background, and normally did not make the bulk of their income from the land.

Instead they run courses and give talks at high fees. I believe this gives them a head start over the rest of us, no matter how much experience we have before publishing. January 22, at 7: Well I appreciate your well wishes, and how appropriately named your e-book is! I may just have to buy it because it has an unusually honest feel to it.

January 24, at 6: Although there are more and more blogs popping up every day, I never really think the market is too saturated for a blog with high-quality content and photos. January 20, at 8: You read my mind, I was literally JUST brainstorming last night of all the things I could potentially do to make money! Jill-how much time would you say you spend with your blogging job per week?

Running an income producing blog is a lot of work, but I love it. January 20, at January 20, at 2: January 21, at 6: I have been a vendor for 5 years and every year several people show up at the market with a car full of produce or baked goods and want to set up.

They are very disappointed and often quite offended to find out that there is a fee and that they are required to have liability insurance before they can become a vendor. There are also other rules that vary from market to market such as whether you can sell arts and crafts, use plastic bags, attendance policies and more. Contacting the market administrator ahead of time about becoming a vendor will save much disappointment and wasted effort. Your caution about checking the state food safety regulations is spot-on because they do send inspectors to the market.

I would add that some inquiries at the county health department might also save a lot of headaches down the road. In my state, the county health department has wide latitude in the interpretation and enforcement of the state regulations; they even have a few regulations of their own sometimes. January 21, at 7: I do have my own garden, belong to a CSA, can and freeze. So because of this I support other homesteaders by buying their eggs milk meat etc. Have you seen my Your Custom Homestead ebook Rachel?

I think you might enjoy some of the ideas there.

January 21, at 8: Even in an area where there seems to be a plethora of farmers and homesteaders, there are still needs to be met. Just like in the online world, you each can carve out your own niche and have a unique offering of products or services. January 21, at I would love to actually make money homesteading one day.

Your blog is a wonderful treasure trove of info. I have always loved it. Thank you for the ideas! January 21, at 1: Sometimes we get a little overwhelmed with all the projects, but eventually it will all funnel down to making a living on the farm!

January 21, at 4: Ways to make money on the homestead We have raised pigs and lambs people have bought until they were butcher size. If they supply the food, or extra supplement delivering hay or providing extra slop for pigs the boarding fee is less. We have also assisted in self butchering if the customer is so inclined. This gives town dwellers the opportunity to have fresh home grown meat that they have a hand in overseeing while it grows.

Our family has about 25 acres in Chatham county NC. My question is, is it viable to lease the property to wineries for grape growing. The kids have out grown horse activities. How would I approach the wineries? What would be a fair market value? I may just be contacting you in the future for your blogging advice.

January 22, at 4: January 22, at 1: My husband and I have two acres in the desert and we do several of the things you mentioned. My husband works a full time job teaching and I am blessed to be able to stay home. I am not really a blogger, but I love spending time in the greenhouse.

We found that in the desert we really needed a greenhouse we could heat in the winter if it gets too cold and cool in the summer when the days are over 90 degrees. Unlike our first year when we gardened out in the weather ground squirrels, tons of destructive bugs, rabbits, heat, etc. All of our seed is from Baker Creek, all organic.

I make body butters, pheasant feather ornaments and crafts. I also have quail and sell all the eggs they lay. We also have turkeys that we raise for people for the holidays and are thinking about raising broilers also for others and we incubate quail and chicken eggs for replacements. The need for homegrown, especially organic produce is huge and word gets around when you have extra to sell.

It can be a lot of work at times but we have found a system to make chores feeding the animals much easier and not as time consuming which allows me to spend more time in the greenhouse. So out of that we have fellowship, the children have a blast and learn about gardening and animals and all of that is worth more than money. I hope this will inspire more people to grow their own food and be more self-sufficient.

March 12, at 2: We are both originally from the midwest and will be novices for lots of things. Do you have any resources or desert homestead blogs you could recommend?

How is that setup? We will only have about 1. Any desert related resources would be great! What about starting and selling extra seedlings? I know in our urban area, whatever extra tomato plants I have are bought up by friends and neighbors very quickly! January 23, at 6: What an incredible list! I would also caution against too much too fast. We raise our own food, mostly for out own consumption. We do sell a small bit for profit, or just give it away for fun. I would have come home from the sale barn with chickens, pigs, rabbits, cows, and a puppy the first week.

Thankfully, I am married to Mr. Cautions slow and we have steadily added one adventure to our homestead each year. Year 1 — Fruit orchard, Year 2 — Garden, Year 3 — chickens, then pigs, then cow s , etc. January 23, at 5: These are great ideas! Plus, in the process, they learned fantastic business skills, DIY, public speaking, etc.

And also, here in Seattle and I assume other places there are also barter groups, so if your garden emits way too much summer squash, you can trade it for some other staple like goats milk that you would otherwise have to buy. January 31, at 5: My chronic Lyme disease has slowed me significantly. March 1, at How do you sell the meat products that you raise on your Homestead, legally?

I live in Florida and looked into it and it seems near impossible for a homesteader to do so, without being a big commercial operation. March 5, at However, you can sell the animals themselves, so some folks handle it that way.

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Start Here About Products Blog Work with Me! Twitter Facebook Pinterest Email. How EXTREMELY timely- I am working on my first ebook for New Farmers right now! It might work for others, too.

Ways To Make Money While Homesteading | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid |

I really enjoyed it. Aw, thank you so much Jenn! So glad you are enjoying it! Check out my Blogger Blueprint course, too! Thanks for the great ideas! February 1, at Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

I'm a homesteader and prairie-dweller who loves to inspire others to return to their roots, learn new skills, and embark on their own homestead journey. To God be the glory.

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