Money maker part 2 tonya ridley

Money maker part 2 tonya ridley

Author: viewer Date: 01.07.2017

Money Maker Thousands of dollars are being made and eventually Mena seems to have everything she's ever wanted.

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Things get crazy, but Mena finds herself on top and in the arms of someone who means her no good. When old friends turn into enemies and greed calls, Mena won't know who to trust.

Everyone has an addiction…what's yours? Mena Austin is a certified paper chaser who knows no boundaries when it comes to money, especially the counterfeit kind.

money maker part 2 tonya ridley

Money Maker will give an eye-opening glimpse into th. Counterfeit Author Tonya Ridley takes Money Maker to a whole nother level. When you hear the term "money maker," I'm sure you are thinking it will be a story about a girl shaking what her mama gave her but in this case you would be totally wrong.

2013 NEW Equity Leadership Awards Luncheon Honoree Tanya Ridley

What Mena Austin does is literally make moneyconterfeit money that is. Trick is Mena's drug-dealing boyfriend who is trying to get out of the business. Trick gets the brilliant idea to try a different profession that will have him stay in the lifestyle to which he is accustomed. Kindle Customer said Money Maker.

This was a good read, Mena was all about the paper, she would cross anyone to make that money, including her boyfriend Trick who she did dirty, her girl Ronni and even her cousin DJ. Then she met Khadafi and that is when the drama really started, karma is alive a well. This story is about greed, addiction to money and backstabbing, even the ones you love.

If your looking for a fast read this is the book for you, can't wait until part "Money Maker" according to Kindle Customer. If your looking for a fast read this is the book for you, can't wait until part This story had a very decent storyline but the characters I was not feeling at all.

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I thought Mena was very naive and had no common sense whatsoever. She had a chance to make a huge come up off the scheme she pulled,but yet she let everyone in on her hustle which only led to her downfall. I knew right away that Ronni was no good and what Khadafi's real motive was.

At times the story seemed a bit choppy and was a struggle to finish,The beginning flowed easily but by the middle and end ALOT was going on and I was ready for it all to end. This s Thousands of dollars are being made and eventually Mena seems to have everything she's ever wanted. Money Maker will give an eye-opening glimpse into the world of counterfeiting and into a battle where winner takes all.

However, her empire is threatened when her ex-boyfriend, Trick, wants his operation back and will stop at nothing until he gets the ultimate revenge. Just when her boyfriend Trick thinks he's got something unique and profitable going on, Mena slips in and betrays him leaving everything behind. They say money is the root of all evil, but in this case it may be the cause of death. Read Money Maker by Tonya Ridley Online.

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