How to make money as a team beachbody coach

How to make money as a team beachbody coach

Author: shortik Date: 06.06.2017

You probably already know how Beachbody Coaches make money , which is by making retail sales of products, or through team cycle bonuses. That amount could be life changing as it could be applied to the mortgage or rent payment, the car payment, or just be put away towards savings or saved for a family vacation, anything that you want. Because of this, consistent earnings is hard to maintain through retail sales alone. But, that does not mean that it is not possible.

To make things simple, lets forget entirely about workout program sales. Selling a P90x or Insanity is great, but it is only a one-time sale. In this business, the money is in generating Shakeology HD sales. The takeaway is, Shakeology HD sales means consistent commissions coming in and are what Coaches should be focusing on.

Once a Beachbody Coach has a small team built, they will start to earn team cycle bonuses…these start to add up fast. With even a small team, the number of team volume points can grow to be very large every week.

By generating just 3 new Shakeology HD customers each month, this is what your income would like like over the course of 6 months:. By the 6th month, you have 18 Shakeology customers ordering Shakeology on autoship every month. Everyone will not stay on Shakeology forever, some customer will cancel.

how to make money as a team beachbody coach

So lets say that after 6 months, 3 people out of the 18 have cancelled. It all depends on what each individual Coach in your organization produces and if they are actively working the business and making sales.

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Some Coaches may do TV a week by themselves, while others will do 0 TV. Here a simple breakdown:. If a brand new Beachbody Coach can sponsor just 1 new Coach a month, and teach those new Coaches to do the same, in just 6 months that Coach would have grown an organization of over 60 Coaches.

Month 1 — You sponsor 1 person — Total people in your business — 2 Month 2 — Everyone sponsors — Total People in your business: Now here is the awesome part and where exponential growth starts to kick in. If you were to keep up that same pace of sponsoring just 1 person a month, and teaching everyone in your organization to do the same, over the course of a year you would have grown an team of over Coaches.

Month 7 — Total Month 8 — Total Month 9 — Month 10 — Month 11 — Month 12 — In the scenario above, only 12 new Coaches were personally sponsored.

How to Become a Beachbody Coach (EVEN FOR FREE!)

Again, lets get realistic. The scenario I show above would never happen that way.

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There will be people that you sponsor into the business that also bring others into the business, and there will be people that never sponsor anyone. Typically the latter will be the case.

You have to expect that some people will sign up as a Coach, and for whatever reason, will not have the same goals as you do or have the same motivation to work their business. So I kind of rambled on in this post.

Shoot for Qualifying for Success Club every month.

As a benefit for making Success Club you will be given Shakeology customers AND the commissions. This is a nice incentive, and sometimes the Shakeology customers you are given are on HD, which helps you reach your goal of acquiring 3 new Shakeology customers each month.

All that a Beachbody Coach needs to do in order to qualify for Success Club 5 is to accumulate 5 points. There are a few other fine print things needed, but that is basically the jist of it.

how to make money as a team beachbody coach

This is a challenging business. Like anything in life you will get out of it what you put in.

how to make money as a team beachbody coach

There will be hard times, struggles, and hurdles to jump over. In the end, it will be worth it. Home Become A Coach How It Works About Me Contact Me New Coach Training Get A Blog Like This.

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